
Showing posts from July, 2018


No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you need to prepare before you launch into the deep. Never approach a task, a venture, a business or anything without preparing for it. A lot of people have been broken down because they did not analyse what they were entering before it was too late. If you want to build, make estimate on the cost and the period you want to take to accomplish the job before you commence. Many people have become laughing stalks because they left their tasks in the middle of the way. Not that they were not powerful, not that they were not intelligent enough; but because they did not prepare for it. People wonder how great athletes make it in life and are rich. They talk about their cars,records, businesses and buildings but only few talk about the number of years and times these people prepared themselves before getting there. For you to be great, you need preparation. You can only enjoy your relationship if you prepare for it. Weig


The institution of prayer was established so that believers will always have a constant connection to their maker. Through this medium, we channel our grievances and predicaments to Him with the expectation that He attends to our needs. So far as we live in a world where there is always issues to deal with, God admonishes us to, ´´pray without ceasing`` 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Prayer meetings in churches, along the beach, on fields etc have increased over the past years, all being attributed to the fact that the end is near. Day-in-day-out there is the discovery of a new disease, a new problem,widespread news of war etc. We hear of economic crunch, inflation and a whole lot that always trigger man to be on his knees. Men are praying, but why is it that few receive answers to their prayers whiles many encounter delays? When your prayers are delayed, it does not mean God is not capable of solving that issue for you. Neither does it mean that you are not in a powerful


Many people have tried doing something in life but have failed on several occasions. The countless failures they have encountered have relegated them to the starting point where they do not even have the courage to start over. Others try hard to make it, break the status quo, become the star they have ever dreamt of or even, be the icon they see always on the television. They have recorded several demos and none seem to be that hit single. They have gone  to all the auditions and they are never picked though  they have unique talents. There are two categories of these people; some try to still work believing that one day their stars will shine whiles others feel discouraged, pack their bags and say goodbye to that dream. Hey, be the former and not the latter. There is still a chance for you if you don´t quit. Every rejection makes you better. Yes, it makes you improve upon your previous work. Never give up on yourself. You have worked so hard to quit this time. It is still pos


One common mistake that cuts across every circus in life is our inability to answer questions on need to know basis. We are quick to answer questions without realising how easily we give  out information. You will be tempted based on the information you give. Your credibility in that institution will always be determined by how good you are at keeping information. The inability of the woman to keep information from the serpent gave the serpent the power to probe further. The woman could have easily replied with a yes or no answer and that would be the end of that chapter. ``…And he said unto the woman, yea hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?``Genesis 3:1. With this question, the answer could have been ´No` and that would be it. However, the woman replied: ``...We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of i


´´Lest satan should get an advantage of us, for we are not ignorant of his devices´´2 Corinthians 2:11 Many Christians have been exposed to the truth of the power they have to bind demons, cast them out and trample on serpents and scorpions, however, they have little or no knowledge on demonic activities and their operations. As a military officer, your ability to access accurate and timely information about your enemy always places you at a place of advantage to overcome him. This is one of the main reason why developed countries invest a lot in covert and espionage operations. The only way to know much about how demons operate is through the Spirit of God and this knowledge is embedded in the holy Book. Never think there is nothing fighting you in this world. Some people don´t believe in the existence of external forces. To them, there is no God, likewise no devil. Life is just how you make it, you are born, you will die and that is it.


The greatest armed robber in life is not the one that holds a weapon at you physically to deprive you of your properties. The greatest armed robber is not the one who is caught by the police and sentenced to years of imprisonment. There is an element in our lives that steals our determination, capabilities and desire to do greater things. This armed robber is called fear. You will meet him whenever you want to move on to the next level. He will parade in front of you, holding the weapon called  ''you will not make it.'' This weapon is always used to scare you from moving on. A lot of people who failed in certain aspects of life have been struck with this weapon. They are now afraid to move on in that relationship that did not work. They are scared to move on in the job that failed and are always petrified because of the fear of the unknown. ''What if i fail again'' is what they always say. My dear, the fact that you failed yesterday does not mean you