
Showing posts from February, 2017


The most resourceful place in the planet full of potentials is not the university,neither is it the bank. Talents are not found in schools. The cemetery is the only place on the surface of the earth with potentials that could not suffice,resources that were not exploited, minds that were not used, ideas that were not utilised, inventions that were not created, dreams that were not lived and opportunities that were not tried. The only thing that hindered these great potentials is fear. A lot of people died without living to the potentials they were created for as a result of the fear of the unknown. They thought they would be laughing stocks if they failed. They were afraid of what man will say about them.People tried but backed off.Others allowed the criticisms from others deter them from reaching their potentials. There are millions of songs that were never sang,trillions of books never written,billions of messages never recorded,series of movies never acted,countless designs of bu


The prayer topic of most ladies is to get married in their youthful stages. To some, the pressure from the family pushes them to tie the knot when they are not actually expecting it. Others too see marriage as part of the new generation fashion, so all they want is to have that golden or diamond ring on their finger. They want to be seen among the sect of ladies who are married. Most often than not, the mothers always desire to pride themselves of being the mothers of the bride. The fathers can´t wait to walk the daughters down the aisle and give their hands in marriage. I sat down listening to a bride who got married after knowing the groom for only two months, as she lamented and was seeking for divorce. All that she could say was, " i did not know him that well. I wanted to marry some day in life but this came faster and it was an opportunity for me to be the first lady amongst my friends to tie the knot." When marriage becomes a race, people


There is always a shadow to everything placed in the light. The mere presence of this shadow is to tell you that there is a physical entity in the presence of light. This physical entity becomes reality, the shadow is just the reflection of it. If the object is taken from the source of light, the shadow is seen no more. The life that you live is the entity and your past is the shadow. I was afraid of my shadows whiles growing up, till an old man told me it was my own reflection. There is no way for a furniture to have the shadow of a barrel. The life that you live correlates with the shadow it casts. The past is the shadow that mostly scares a lot of potentials. What you did in the past can never be revisited. There is no chance for you in the past and you need to accept that fact. Learn from the past, draw lessons from it and always make sure you don´t repeat the mistakes of the past. You might have lost a contract in the past, that has made you wiser. You might have crushed


A lady came to me crying about how  her fiance has started giving her attitude. After she narrated her side of the story, i found out that there were certain things she failed to do to keep the man. I walked her through this journey and they are now happily married. Amazingly, the only creature to be in the image and likeness of God is man. God put man in charge of everything and commanded him to take care of the garden and be the number one authority. He was given the power to name the entire creation of God and that made him superior to all things. The authority of the man extended to cover the woman the moment he named her as the mother of creation. This is why the woman always bears the surname of the man, being it her father or husband. Every woman must know that the man is her world. It is the duty of the man to squeeze water out of rocks to cater for the woman. The man protects the family he builds and provides comfort for the woman. Man fell from glory because he could n


The honour of the man isn`t measured by the wealth he possesses, but by the woman he is married to. The head of the family becomes useless so far as the neck is missing from the equation.Every woman has the potentials of being beauty, unique, great and worth the admiration of many if the man moulds her. You can never talk about desiring to marry a beautiful lady if you do not want to spend time and money on her. You won´t get a wise lady to marry if you don´t investing making her wise. There are men who took ladies from villages where there was nothing good about their backgrounds. They brought them to the cities, invested in them and now these ladies look like angels sent from heaven. You can mould her into what you want her to be. Garbage in, you will definitely have garbage out. The wisdom of the woman is learnt from the man. The woman mostly brings out what the man puts into her.  Why won´t you follow other ladies who dress explicitly whiles you do not give attention and inves


The scars on the bark of the tree in the bush have histories surrounding it. There was a time the farmer wanted to cut the tree but changed his mind when he was half-way through. There was another time that a boisterous wind almost broke the trunk of the tree but it survived. Different animals chewed the bark of this tree and left their imprints on it. Looking vividly at the tree, you will see that every scar has a specific history. The scars on the body of the soldier are emblems of memories that will never leave him. He remembers when he was shot at the arm, got cut by a knife, hit by the fragments of a grenade and even when he was pierced with an arrow. Scars are the physical expressions of healed wounds. A wound may heal outwardly but deep within, will always remain as fresh in the heart of the victim as possible. With these wounds, no matter how healed they are physically, the person still feels it fresh in his mind and heart when he sees the person who inflicted it. Wounds ar


The world was created prophetically as words were spoken. God said, 'let there be' and amazingly there was. Man has been created in the image and likeness of God and there is no doubt that we have this trait of God. Have you realised that a child who always here abusive words ends up being abusive? This is because of the power those words have on him. Your words are very powerful to create whatever you want to see in your life. The words spoken to a wife can lead to the end of a fruitful relationship. The words spoken to a child might destroy his confidence entirely. The words of encouragement can save someone who has lost all in life ad want to commit suicide. Be cautious of what you hear because that has an adverse impact on you. The more you hear things about failure, the more you believe in failure. This will end up reflecting in your life. Words are powerful to the extent that a man was able to raise people from death by his words. 5000 people were fed with five loav


Everyone has a friend in his or her life. These are people we meet at school, church, work place and even our communities. We hang out with them and feel comfortable around them. Though we all have friends, very few of us know who they really are and the category of friends we must place them. A lot of people get broken-hearted and disappointed when they experience certain traits in people they called friends. Some people tend to even live in solitary after unpleasant encounters of betrayal they experience. They place their trust in them and later regret ever knowing them.  All these could have been avoided if these people knew the kind of friends they were hanging out with. There are four types of friends that we should all be aware of. The insight from this post will be able to guide you in handling your friends and also categorizing them appropriately. ATTACHMENTS These are friends that are with you for a season and for a purpose. These friends do not stay forever in yo


People have different definitions of who a man is. Whiles i was growing up, i heard the market women applauding men who could lift heavy loads. I then thought that was the definition of a man, until i saw even women who could do more than that. As i stayed in a compound house, i always heard wives fighting with their husbands and asking whether they were even men enough. I got another definition of this character as one who was good in bed and could satisfy his wife impeccably. As i journeyed my life through school some men were being insulted that they could not fend for their families, and that was another definition. After school, the definition of a man was now attached to one's ability to work and cater for himself and then furthering it to cover his family and loved ones. I, then, concluded that every phase of life gives a definition of the man based on the circumstances surrounding his capabilities. So my question is, who is the real man? The fact that you flex your


Every lady has a love language and that makes her feel loved. This love language will make her know that she means the world to you. A man is always happy when his spouse is happy. Majority of relationships and marriages have ended on the rocks because of the lack of knowledge in this field. "He gives me everything i need, from clothes to shoes. I spend holidays in the country of my choice. I have a luxurious lifestyle many ladies are envious of, but i am not happy. i just want him around." This was what a lady told me. Basically her love language was quality time. People with this love language always want their spouses to spend time with them. Have time for them and they will do anything you want. They are not moved by the gifts you shower on them. Neither are they moved by you sugar-coated words. All they want is your presence. Mostly ladies who seek attention developed it from infancy. It is either they were not given that attention or they received that attention in


A lot of people in this world have this perception to get to their destination irrespective of what they will do in getting there. They are so much into the destination that they do not care about how to get there. Like a lady who wants to be rich, she will never care about how she would get the wealth. All she knows is that she wants to be rich. Whether she will sell her pride for wealth, that isn't her headache. Her eyes are fixed on the mark. Like the business man who wants to breakthrough, he does not give a damn about the exorbitant profit margin. To him, so far as he gets what he wants, he is satisfied.  Then i hear this always, ' the end justifies the means' and i think about it all the time. How can you be proud of your end if the process was muddy, full of deceit, slander and murder? why will you still lift your head up after assassinating the character of an individual before getting to that position? We have indeed allowed greed to eat us up and this has made


If i will fail, it is my decision to do so If i quit, it is my choice to make If i accept defeat, my heart told my mind to react to it For i am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul When success looms and knocks at my door, i choose to respond to his call When the rains come and the earth is green again, i choose to sleep and embrace the fall I cannot blame anyone for my failure To my life i am the only sailor For i am the master of my fate, i am the captain of my soul I saw her and i decided to be with her She had nothing but i saw a light in that darkness She could build a home, and mend a net she could bring to life things that were dead For i am the master of my fate, i am the captain of my soul In darkness life came crumpling on me Far beyond the horizon, fear i could see When all men gave up on me I felt that to no one should i plead I am the master of my fate, i am the captain of my soul Never will i bow down to any challenge Seeing fear, i


RELATIONSHIP AND LOVE LANGUAGES A lot of people are in a hurry to buy attractive and well packaged things at the groceries without even looking at the content. Good advertisers capitalise on the mere fact that many people are attracted to what they see and use that to their advantage in making unimaginable profits. If you take this into choosing your life partner, you will end up regretting later because what you saw might not be necessarily what you bought. One definition of language is that it is a phraseology and vocabulary of a particular profession, domain or group. Language is a means of communication and achieves its purpose when the other person is capable of understanding what you say. Love is a language and you need to communicate it. However, this communication is effectively achieved if the other person understands the love language you are communicating. Imagine what will happen to a Ghanaian who goes to China for the first time. My dear, he will be like an ant